Initially begun in tandem with an addition by architect Jeff Dillard, this project ended up being a complete renovation for the grounds of this Memphis home. Spurred by the reparation of damage caused to the house when a large tree was blown down by a storm, the owners used the opportunity to resolve outstanding landscape issues.
Poor drainage, unsuccessful plantings, and an unusable rear terrace were addressed. Working with a local engineer, we helped design an underground detention basin to handle the influx of water from surrounding properties. Problematic and out of scale plantings were removed and large swaths of groundcover were introduced to contextualize the large existing oaks and maples. Large specimen trees were located to plan for the eventual decline of the mature canopy. The removal of an existing wall, conversion of a set of doors on the back of the garage into windows (which allowed us to remove a landing and steps), and the addition of a new retaining wall with built-in seating transformed the previously unusable rear terrace into an ample, inviting, and comfortable outdoor living room.
Through extensive collaboration among Isaac, the architect, metal artisan Mark Pledge, and builder Hank Hill, an elegant steel arbor - with integral lighting and waterproof fans - was added. A carved limestone hearth, containing a Spark Modern Fire unit, extends the use of the space from early spring into late fall. A limestone-framed "living mural" lends scale by breaking up the large, blank masonry wall. The children enjoyed arranging preselected plant materials for the verdant artwork. An 8' brick privacy wall and a seperate wood-burning fire nook were also added to the property. This was a fun project and a true collaboration of owner, architect, interior designer, landscape architect, & builder.
Landscape Architect: Isaac Wantland, Wantland Ink Landscape Architecture
Architect: Jeff Dillard, Jeff Dillard Associates
Interior Designer: Lela Smith, Lela Smith Interior Design
Contractor: Hank Hill, Hank Hill Company